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1. Paper submission requirements

Please write your text in good English (American or British usage is accepted, but not a mixture of these). Authors who require information about language editing and copyediting services please contact the Editorial Board for more information. Submission to this journal proceeds totally online. Use the following guidelines to prepare your article. Via the homepage of this journal you will be guided stepwise through the creation and uploading of various files.


1.1 Formatting

Please submit your article as *.doc file. The size of the article should not exceed 18-20 pages (including figures and tables) typed in Times New Roman, Font size 14, spacing 1.5.


1.2 Title

Paper title must be concise. Please place it at the top of the first page typed in upper case, bold. Avoid abbreviations and formulae where possible.


1.3 Author names and affiliations

Make sure you provide full names of all authors, their scientific titles and full names of their affiliations. Present the authors’ affiliation addresses (where the work was done) below their names and the e-mail address of the corresponding author.


1.4 Abstract and keywords

All papers must include an abstract (up to 2000 symbols) and keywords (up to 7 words, listed in alphabetical order).

A concise and factual abstract is required. It should summarize the problem, the method, the results, and the conclusions. It is advisable not to include references to figures or tables, or citation of the reference in the abstract. Authors are invited to submit keywords associated with their paper.


2. Article structure

Article must contain the following sections:

  1. Introduction

  2. Methods and Materials

  3. Results

  4. Discussion

  5. Conclusions


2.1 Introduction

The introduction should be brief and clearly state the problem being investigated, the background that explains the problem, and the reasons for conducting the research. You should summarize relevant research to provide context, state how your work differs from published work and importantly what questions you are answering. Explain what findings of others, if any, you are challenging or extending. Briefly describe your experiment, hypothesis(es), research question(s), and general experimental design or method.


2.2 Methods and Materials

The key purpose of this section is to provide the reader enough details so they can replicate your research. Explain how you studied the problem, identify the procedures you followed, and order these chronologically where possible. If your methods are new, they will need to be explained in detail; otherwise, name the method and cite the previously published work, unless you have modified the method, in which case refer to the original work and include the amendments. Identify the equipment and describe materials used and specify the source if there is variation in quality of materials. Include the frequency of observations, what types of data were recorded. Be precise in describing measurements and include errors of measurement. Name any statistical tests used so that your numerical results can be validated. It is advisable to use the past tense, and avoid using the first person.


2.3 Results

In this section you objectively present your findings, and explain in words what was found. Please be clear and lay out your findings in a logical sequence. Raw data are rarely included in a scientific article; instead the data are analyzed and presented in the form of figures (graphs), tables, and/or descriptions of observations. The results section should follow a logical sequence based on the table and figures that best presents the findings that answer the question or hypothesis being investigated. Tables and figures are assigned numbers separately, and should be in the sequence that you refer to them in the text. Figures should have a brief description (a legend), providing the reader sufficient information to know how the data were produced. It is important not to interpret your results - this should be done in the Discussion section.


2.4 Discussion

In this section you describe what your results mean, specifically in the context of what was already known about the subject of the investigation. You should link back to the introduction by way of the question(s) or hypotheses posed. You should indicate how the results relate to expectations and to the literature previously cited, whether they support or contradict previous theories. Most significantly, the discussion should explain how the research has moved the body of scientific knowledge forward. It is important not to extend your conclusions beyond what is directly supported by your results, so avoid undue speculation. It is advisable to suggest practical applications of your results, and outline what would be the next steps in your study.


2.5 Acknowledgments

This section should be brief and include the names of individuals who have assisted with your study, including, contributors, reviewers, suppliers who may have provided materials free of charge, etc. If your paper is part of grant research, please provide details of the project grant and indicate it as such (*).


2.6 References instructions

References are placed at the end of the paper in the order as they appear in the text. Please refer to the reference number and page number, as in [1, p. 25].
Last name and initials of all authors, full title, publishing house, place and year of publication, and number of pages must be provided. For journal articles also include number of volume and issue. Please DO NOT include unpublished sources in the list of references.

References are listed in the language of the original without abbreviations. References to resources in Russian must be transliterated and translated into English as in the examples below. The examples of how to reference printed and electronic resources

Journal article
Author A.A., Author B.B., Author C.C., Author D.D. Title of article. Title of Journal, 2005, Vol. 10, Issue 2, pp. 49-53.

Electronic journal article
Kontorovich A.E., Korzhubaev A.G., Eder L.V. [Forecast of global energy supply: Techniques, quantitative assessments, and practical conclusions]. Mineral'nye resursy Rossii. Ekonomika i upravlenie, 2006, no. 5. Available from: http://www.vipstd.ru/gim/content/view/90/278/ (accessed 22.05.2012). (Rus)

Journal article with DOI
Zhang Z., Zhu D. Experimental research on the localized electrochemical micro-machining. Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, 2008, Vol. 44, Issue 8, pp. 926-930. doi: 10.1134/S1023193508080077

Conference proceedings
Usmanov T.S., Gusmanov A.A., Mullagalin I.Z., Muhametshina R.Ju., Chervyakova A.N., Sveshnikov A.V. [Features of the design of field development with the use of hydraulic fracturing]. Trudy 6 Mezhdunarodnogo Simpoziuma “Novye resursosberegayushchie tekhnologii nedropol'zovaniya i povysheniya neftegazootdachi" [Proc. 6 th Int. Symp. “New energy saving subsoil technologies and the increasing of the oil and gas impact"]. Moscow, 2007, pp. 267-272. (Rus)

Lindorf L.S., Mamikoniants L.G., eds. Ekspluatatsiia turbogeneratorov s neposredstvennym okhlazhdeniem [Operation of turbine generators with direct cooling]. Moscow, Energiia Publ., 1972. 352 p. (Rus)

Online sources
Kondrat'ev V.B. Global'naya farmatsevticheskaya promyshlennost' [The global pharmaceutical industry]. Available from: http://perspektivy.info/rus/ekob/globalnaja_farmacevticheskaja_promyshlennost_2011-07-18.html. (Accessed 23.06.2013). (Rus)

Dissertations and theses abstracts
Semenov V.I. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie plazmy v sisteme kompaktnyi tor. Diss. dokt. fiz.-mat. nauk [Mathematical modeling of the plasma in the compact torus. Dr. phys. and math. sci. diss.]. Moscow, 2003. 272 p. (Rus) or Semenov V.I. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie plazmy v sisteme kompaktnyi tor. Dokt, Diss. [Mathematical modeling of the plasma in the compact torus. Doct. Diss.]. Moscow, 2003. 272 p. (Rus) All pages in the article should be numbered.


2.7 Formulae

Please use Equation 3.0 and submit math equations as editable text and not as images. Present simple formulae in line with normal text where possible and use solidus (/) instead of a horizontal line for small fractional terms, e.g., X/Y. Variables in Latin are to be presented in italics, variables in Greek are to be presented as normal. Do not italicize variables in upper and lower cases.


2.8 Artwork

  • Figures must be submitted as separate files (doc, docx, xls, xlsx, tiff, pdf, png, jpg, resolution 600 dpi). Maximum width of figures and diagrams should not exceed 186 mm.
  • Graphs and diagrams should be submitted as Word or Excel files.
  • Make sure that figures are readable. Please submit figure in black-and-white for printing purposes. Color versions can be submitted for reproduction on the Web.
  • Provide captions to illustrations separately. A caption should comprise a brief title and a description of the illustration.
  • Number the illustrations according to their sequence in the text.
  • Submit tables as editable text and not as images. Number tables as they appear in the text. Make sure that data in the tables do not duplicate the results described elsewhere in the article. Please avoid using vertical rules.


3. Submission Checklist

Ensure that the following items are present:

  • One author has been designated as the corresponding author.
  • E-mail address.
  • Full postal address.
  • Telephone and fax numbers.
  • All necessary files have been uploaded.
  • Manuscript has been spell-checked and grammar-checked.
  • References are in the correct format for this journal.
  • All references mentioned in the Reference list are cited in the text, and vise versa.
  • Permission has been obtained for use of copyrighted material from other sources.
  • Black-and-white versions of figures are supplied for printing purposes.


4. Acceptance

All papers submitted to the Editorial Board are reviewed.

For inquiries relating to the submission of the articles please visit this journal’s homepage. You can track accepted articles at your personal account.

Contact details for questions arising after acceptance of your article will be provided by the publisher.

Papers that do not meet the standards of the journal may be rejected by the editor.

Please note submissions are not returned to the author.