Published quarterly from 2016
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DOI assignment (10.17277 prefix)
ISSN: 2414-4606
ISSNe: 2541-8513
Aimes and scopes
- theoretical bases of technologies for creating and processing of nano- and composite materials for structural and functional purposes;
- solid-phase technology and structural macrokinetics;
- physical and mechanical properties of materials;
- methods and tools of experimental research into materials properties, control and management of their development and processing;
- mathematical modeling of developing and processing of nano- and composite materials.
The journal is intended for scientists, engineers and technical staff of research institutes, design bureaus and companies involved in aviation and aerospace industry, chemical engineering, power engineering, construction industry, etc., as well as undergraduate and graduate students of higher educational institutions.
Correspondent of Russian Academy of Sciences Mikhail Alymov.
Director of Merzhanov Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science, Chernogolovka, Moscow region
+7 79652 46 379